


The Book of Tomorrow By Cecelia Ahern
Release Date: July 12, 2010
Publisher: UK General Books
Pages: 400
Genre: Mystery/Contemporary Romance
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Synopsis (from Goodreads): Tamara Goodwin always had everything she wanted. Why would she ever give a thought to tomorrow?

But suddenly life takes a difficult turn, and Tamara faces the hard decision to swap her glamorous town living for life in the country. However, Tamara is soon lonely and longing for her old life. Then a traveling library arrives in the village, bringing with it a mysterious leather-bound book locked with a gold clasp and padlock. What Tamara discovers within it's pages takes her breath away and shakes her world forever. An unforgettable story about how tomorrow can change what happens today...

I found "The Book of Tomorrow" to be an o.k. read. I bought this novel intrigued by the idea of a magical book that can transform the life of who ever came into contact with it. Unfortunately, the magical element of "The Book of Tomorrow" plays a small role in the telling of the story. The focus is spent mainly on the day to day trialsof Tamara the main character. Also there were very little plot twists and the story had one tone throughout, leaving the climactic scene and the story's resolution to the near end.

However, on the flip side, a strength of the book was it's writing. The description of the Irish countryside, allows the reader a lush imagery of Tamara's world. The mysterious castle and the land it's on are linked to Tamara's past and her tomorrows. She is drawn to it and so is the reader. This was a standout of the book for me.

Overall, there was a great premise to the story but I didn't feel it was fully explored.

1 comment:

  1. I love Cecilia! I didn't even know that she wrote this book! PS I Love You and Love, Rosie are two of my all time favorite books.


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