


Hey everyone. This week I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke And The Bookish. Every Tuesday  over at The Broke and the Bookish they post their top ten lists on various topics. They also have a designated Top Ten Tuesday page where they have previous topics and upcoming topics listed out as well.

This week's top ten is...


Jane Eyre JANE EYRE- I loved being inside the head of shy reserved Jane. She grabs you into her sad world because you sympathize so much with her plight.

The Weasley Twins HARRY POTTER- They were the most lovable characters in the series for me.

Anne Shirley ANNE OF GREEN GABLES- What was there to not love about Anne, even her red hair, which she hates.

Peeta Mallark HUNGER GAMES- I am most definitely team Peeta, let me declare that now. That said, he is SO SWEET it's kinda hard to imagine a person can ever be that perfect. I guess that is why he is a fictional character right!

Elizabeth Bennet PRIDE AND PREJUDICE- Smart, beautiful Elizabeth. I was as much gripped by her as Darcy was. She is the centerpiece of this great novel, in my opinion.

Atticus Finch TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD- Such a beloved novel it is hard to believe that Harper Lee never wrote another. But I am glad she wrote this one because how else would we have ever come to know of one of the greatest hero's in fiction.

Etienne St.Claire ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS- For some real fluff this romantic novel was great. But Etienne was the cherry on a beautifully built cup cake.

Amma Trudeau BEAUTIFUL CREATURES- Amma is the grandma we all have or wish we had. She is kooky, spooky and straight up maple syrup. Love her.

Jospehine (Jo) March LITTLE WOMEN- I love all the March sisters but Jo holds a special place in my heart. I think she is the heart of Little Women. And she runs away with the heart of anyone who reads this book.

Dunstan Ramsay FIFTH BUSINESS- I read this book when I was in high school and the main character of Dunstan is still floating around in my mind. You have to read this novel to understand what I am talking about.


  1. Oh I love Jo from Little Women! She is just such a fun character to read. Go Team Peeta!! I am definitely on Team Peeta, he is the best. Great Top Ten, and I'm a new follower! I love your blog design, too.

    Here is my Top Ten.

  2. Got to love Peeta. I loved him so much that I named my cat Peeta :)

  3. Peeta is my man too - love the list!


  4. Atticus Finch! I can't believe I forgot him. He's wonderful.

    Love love love Fred and George, and Peeta, and Anne and Jane and Jo... great list!

  5. Excellent choices! Scout Finch made my Top Ten this week. Love, love, love To Kill a Mockingbird.
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog


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