


Last year to commemorate the holiday season I made a string of special posts inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas and this year it is back but the topic is new and I hope just as exciting as the last. This years the countdown will be on Novel Destinations. Stories where the setting was not just a mere back drop but an extra character in the story as well. So enjoy and let the fun begin:)
12 Out of Africa by Karen Blixen
11 Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
10 Quentins by Maeve Binchy
9 The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
I have spoken about this book several times on the blog (if you haven't read it you REALLY should). One of the most memorable things (among many) was the detailed AMAZING descriptions Kostova goes through to make the setting in the novel real. Turkey was one of the places the Heroine travels to and I was left with a yearning to visit it because of the way that she wrote about Turkey and it's history. Brilliant book and the descriptive and vivid way in which Kostova wrote about Turkey is one among the many praises I have for this book.


  1. I just love love this idea. Mad Scientist is a huge fan of travel. It is my absolute favorite thing to do, besides read. *grin*

    I literally just picked up a HC of The Historian. I am even more eager to get this one read! Thanks.

    Mad Scientist @ Steampunkery & Book Reviews

  2. I have wanted to visit Istanbul ever since reading this book. Hoping to get there soon ...

  3. Turkey has always fascinated me and I hope to travel there one day! You've also made me want to read The Historian! Added to my wishlist!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  4. The Historian was amazing guys and I hope that you get the chance to read it. Thanks mad scientist, Sam and Megan for stopping by!!

    Happy reading:)

  5. Honestly, I'm desperate to follow the entire journey across Eastern Europe and Turkey. It was wonderfully described.

  6. Kostova definitely knew what she was talking about. However her storytelling was so realistic that I probably would not want to go on that EXACT route.. seeing as how Vlad is still alive and all.. in my head anyway (LOL!).


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Happy Reading!