


This is my first post on book trailers. I first came upon book trailers about a year back and I was impressed by how good some of them were. They are the modern version of a movie trailer hence the name. Like its older and more experienced brother the book trailer has only been around since 2003 and is a new promotional tool to the literature industry. After my experience I find that book trailers add and enhance the novels they represent. They are short, sweet and to the point, giving just enough for you to get an idea of what the book is about. And so I will be posting book trailers that have caught my attention and I hope will appeal to you as well.

Therefore the first book trailer that I was blown away by was for the novel "The Poison Diaries" by Maryrose Wood. This trailer is erie, haunting and the narration is quite beautiful. I enjoyed it immensely. I did not hear of this book prior to this trailer but I've been gripped and hope to read it soon. Enjoy!

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